Space travel

What would be a game of SF without the interplanetary vessels doing furrows the firmament? A few would [say it] be a lump of sardines without oil, I suppose. Fortunately, physicists have developed the TISA (Trans-gravitic Interphased Sub-light Anomaly) engines which permit dephasing of the normal universe and reach close to light speed. Nevertheless the dephasing is not total and, for an outside observer, vessels in TISA flight appear as drops of rain lengthened to a white blue color of incandescent brilliance.

In order to pass this doorstep of the light, FTL distortion (Faster Than Light) engines have been conceived. A vessel equipped of such a system of propulsion is completely out of touch with the real universe and is translated into tachyon hyperspace . However, they cannot function around important stars (planet, sun,...) because of gravity fields and the TISA engine remain necessary.

Only an astrogateur is capable of calculating and programming a road in the hyperspace. The higher his/her/its level of expertise and a higher capability to do hyperspace jumps without a mistake. It is always possible to tempt the devil and to lengthen a little the jump, but in case of mistake the vessel will emerge in an unknown spatial region and our unhappy astronauts will meet "lost in the space". The situation is not, however, desperate because our pilot can possess expertise to astrogate themselves in relation to the stars.

The dream of any astrogateur is to construct his/her/its own ship. Space Opera permits creating vessels of 100 tons (30 ms of long) to a million of tons (700 ms of long) with the systems of [air]conditioning, protective and multiple weapons and various [others]. S/he/it is in the same vein to these captains that furrowed the oceans and had to fight against elements and pirates. It is confirmed, if one takes the example of Han Solo and his famous Millennium Falcon. One could even compare further, if I tell you that a vessel begins to deteriorate gradually, if the maintenance is not kept up. This is how a crew meets its end without the retraining of air, with an ambient temperature of 60°C or that the FTL's engines quit at the crucial moment of passage in the hyperspace.